Terms and Conditions:
In the interest of data stewardship and compliance with Georgia Tech's Computer and Network Usage and Security Policy (CNUSP) and the Data Access Policy (OAP), all systems containing sensitive information1 must be maintained by professional IT support personnel. However, there may be cases in which the end users have a need to retain Administrator rights on machines containing sensitive information or on machines that are used to access sensitive information stored remotely. A user who has chosen to self-administer a computer which contains sensitive information, or which has access to sensitive information stored remotely, must implement and document the following practices:
- Use a regular user account, one without administrative rights. The user must only use an account with administrator rights when maintenance tasks are required. Users should consult with their local IT support person.
- Change all account passwords on the machine every 120 days.
- Install and keep anti-malware software up-to-date.
- Install and use a host-based firewall.
- Install the latest security updates for the operating system, as well as any software packages installed on the machine.2
- Install only software that is in compliance with Georgia Tech policies, including proper licensing and appropriate content.
- Allow only appropriate GT employees and students access to the system and its applications.
1The working definition of sensitive information is contained in section 3.2 of the Campus Data Access Policy (OAP found at http://www.oit.gatech.edu/sites/default/files/DAP.pdf, In particular, examples of sensitive information are provided in the Data Security Classification Handbook http://www.oit.gatech.edu/sjtes/defauit/fi!es/DSC handbook.pdf
2Much of the the above security requirements are met if the computer in question has been configured to be a part of the campus Microsoft™ SCCM and LanDesk programs. Please see your Unit IT contact for additional info. This will ensure that your computer is monitored for virus issues and OS and application patches.